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Links two translate channels unidirectionally, bidirectionally, or recursively.

/link <source-channel: optional> <target-channel: required> <mode: optional>

You can only link translate channels! Translate channels mean channels that are set to a language. Use the /set command first before linking.


source-channel: optional

The source channel to link. If not provided, it takes the current channel where the command is used.

target-channel: required

The target channel to link.

mode: optional

Specifies the linking mode. Default is bidirectional.

Linking modes:

  • Unidirectional: Links source channel to target channel only but not vice-versa.
  • Bidirectional: Links source channel and target channel with each other.
  • Recursive: Links source channel to target channel and to all other translate channels that the source and target channels are linked to. Including translate channels that are links of links of source and target channels.
Making sure a translate channel is linked to all other translate channels

If you already have, for example, 5 translate channels that are all linked together and you want to add a new translate channel, you can do /link new-channel other-channel recursive and that new translate channel will get linked to all the other 5 translate channels.